Monday 15 November 2010

Billy Baldwin - Decorates

The Sterility of perfection
“Nothing is interesting unless it’s personal.” BILLY BALDWIN, Decorates (1972) Secaucus NJ, pp. 24
“Everyone has his own needs, his own preferences, his own ways of using space.  When a decorator disregards these needs or tries to superimpose an alien personality, he cannot bring off that wonderful warm atmosphere of private personal space.” BILLY BALDWIN, Decorates (1972) Secaucus NJ, pp. 24
“I, for one cannot imagine a fireplace without a fire burning whenever there is the slightest excuse for it.  I cannot conceive of a house in the country without dogs, or a house without books – the greatest decoration of all.  These give a room heart…” BILLY BALDWIN, Decorates (1972) Secaucus NJ, pp. 24
“the first rule of decoration is that you can break almost all the other rules.  A roomed decorated absolutely according to the book, with little I’s dotted and t’s crossed is all very well in its impersonal way.  But the rooms that are really successful declare the owners independence, carry the owners signature, his very private scrawl. BILLY BALDWIN, Decorates (1972) Secaucus NJ, pp. 25

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