Sunday 5 December 2010

Mies Van De Rohe

Mies Van de Rohe
"Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, along with Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier, is widely regarded as one of the pioneering masters of Modern architecture. Mies, like many of his post World War Icontemporaries, sought to establish a new architectural style that could represent modern times just as Classical and Gothic did for their own eras. He created an influential 20th century architectural style, stated with extreme clarity and simplicity. His mature buildings made use of modern materials such as industrial steel and plate glass to define interior spaces. He strived towards an architecture with a minimal framework of structural order balanced against the implied freedom of free-flowing open space. He called his buildings "skin and bones" architecture. He sought a rational approach that would guide the creative process of architectural design. He is often associated with the aphorisms "less is more" and "God is in the details". 
Buildings by Mies Van de Rohe:
Farnsworth House, Plano, Illinois
Seagram Building
German Pavillion - Barcelona

"Mies was famous not so much for his work in Europe, but for the impact that he had on shaping the American city.  Before him, American cities were solid, and clad in heavy masonry, they were thick set, with shoulders as broad as an American footballer's.  After Mies they rose up elegantly, their steel gleaming, their glass transparent and they or bits of them looked like the ideal future, flawless in their geology."
"There are still quite a few people that think because of the extreme spareness and precision and geometrical character of Mies buildings, that he was some kind of theoretician.  But that is not true at all, he was the son of a stone mason, he was the son of man who worked with his hands and he used to work with his own in his father's stone yard cutting gravestones and making lettering.  \he was intensely concious of material, and that's one of the things that defined his whole career as an architect."
Mies van der Rohe - Visions Of Space 2/7
"People imagine Mies to be a theoretician, but he wasn't he was quite a hands on man, admittedly he thought a lot and he had a great desire to rationalise his thinking, but it was all based upon a conception of craftsmanship, of the manifestation of ideas in his work and not through anything but work."
Mies van der Rohe - Visions Of Space 3/7
Mies van der Rohe - Visions of Space 4/7
Mies van der Rohe - Visions of Space 5/7
Mies van der Rohe - Visions of Space 6/7
Mies van der Rohe - Visions of Space 7/7

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