Wednesday 27 October 2010

SERIOUSLY UN COOL - Colours done badly

Creative Interiors - Every project on this website seemed tacky, shiny and had this plastic look about it.  None of the materials felt natural, is this perhaps because there was a lot of colour in the schemes?  Or was it the wrong choice, or combination of colours?  Or was it the finish of the colours that didn't appeal to me.  All the same, I didn't like it.

I think perhaps this means that I am leaning towards a like for natural materials, or what is at least perceived to be natural. Timber, slate, are all materials that have come straight from mother nature, along with all its imperfections (knots in wood, fungi, cracks, weathering). I like it, I like it a lot.

SUB ZERO - Warehouse Conversions

Converting what was an industrial, harsh, sterile and some might say ugly environment into a warm, welcoming joyful place to live and work, is a triumph.  The use of the right materials and furniture in an open plan space is what has enabled this transformation to occur.  Above is a good example of a conversion of an industrial building into a live/work space.

Colour Psychology

Black - Authority, power, stability, strength, intelligence, sombre associated with evil, grieving, evokes strong emotions, black clothes make people appear thinner

White - Purity, cleanliness, creativity, the safety of bright light, absence of color, or neutrality, compression of all the colors in the color spectrum.

Gray - Practical, timeless, middle-of-the-road, solid, rock solid feeling, old age, death, taxes, depression, lost sense of direction.

Red - Attention (where the eye looks first), energy, movement, excitement, noticeable, symbol of life.

Pink - Calming, calms aggression, romance, love, and gentle feelings, to be in the pink is to be soothed.

Blue - Much of the world is blue (skies, seas), calming, restful, steadfastness, dependability, wisdom, loyalty.

Green - Growth, nature, money, calming, conservative, masculine, envy, good luck, generosity, fertility, peace, harmony, comfortable nurturing, support and well paced energy.

Yellow - Cheerful, sun, laughter, happiness and good times, optimism, intense, flames, creativity, overpowering, cowardice.

Orange - Flamboyant, fun times, happiness, energetic, warmth, ambition, new dawn.

Purple - Royalty, wealth, prosperity, rich sophistication, problem solving, artificial, mystery, wisdom, and respect

Brown - This color is most associated with reliability, stability, and friendship, mourning.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

SUB ZERO - Henning Stummel

''The focus of Henning Stummel Architects is a contemplated method of combining new structures within historically sensitive sites as well as assuring that new-build construction is ecologically considerate and a positive contribution to its locality.''
This particular project appeared on Grand Designs and won the 'Grand Designs Best Conversion 2009' Award.  The brief was to convert an old Georgian warehouse into a three-bedroom apartment with separate office.  The strategy was to restore the historic fabric and to retain period features, whilst upgrading the envelope to meet today’s regulations. 
I personally love the way this space has been put together; the natural pallet of materials such as timber against the crisp, white render in combination with the exposed beams and brickwork is a winning combination in my book.  The exposed beams and brickwork demonstrates that there is a history of the building and its original use, the fact that they have not been concealed during this renovations says to me that this history is not being denied and that they developers are helping tell a story.  This is what I like to think of as 'Honest Architecture'.

Monday 25 October 2010


''Archigram was an avant-garde architectural group formed in the 1960s - based at the Architectural Association, London - that was futurist, anti-heroic and pro-consumerist, drawing inspiration from technology in order to create a new reality that was solely expressed through hypothetical projects.''
Some of their work is very 'psychedelic' and you can tell that it was designed in the 60's. However, some of this work really is at the forefront of design, even by today's standards. You will notice Archigram's references to 'Living Pods' of which I have previously posted modern versions of earlier in the blog as 'state of the art'.

You will also notice reference to space capsules, which was obviously influenced by the space race with the Russians, so they are definitely responsive to current affairs and trends. 
I do very much like their form of CGI, if one can call it that, they have simply used lines to show a perspective, no use of shadow or colour. Although, admittedly I have given them the benefit of the doubt as there wasn't a huge amount choice back then, as a computer would have been the size of a room.

UN COOL - Gilles Clement

Gilles Clement
None of Giles' work didn't really stand out at me, I didn't think it was anything special, to me his work seemed a bit out of touch.  That didn't help by the fact there his website didn't in my opinion showcase his work very well, this wasn't helped by the fact that it was all in French.

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Involved in a lot of the high street retailers that we all know well, Burger King, Costa Coffee, Haagen-Dazs.  The schemes seem to use materials reinforce a brand image as well as providing a functional space, good use of timber (adds a 'natural feel' to a corporate interior, makes it more human).

Good for brand imaging inspiration.

Very impressive portfolio, loads of major international projects, including Airports, Banks Universities, with departments in Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design and Brand Imaging.  A firm that doesn't to be afraid to be corporate/commercial, they are there to make money and they are very good at it. 

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Headline issues / Focal Points / Interests

Social problems Cornwall
  • Unemployment
  • Ethnicity
  • Ageing population
  • Education
  • Housing (affordable)
My ideas so far have centred around an initiative to help tackle some of the above problems by providing spaces which enables the growth of businesses and/affordable housing to encourage more people to stay and live in the area, whether originally from Cornwall, or moving here from other parts of the country. The solution to many of these problems go hand in hand, If more work opportunities were available, then more young/skilled people would move to the area, and along with it diversity and age balance.

One of my manifesto points is that creativity doesn’t always come with flash of inspiration, sometimes it's about chaining what's already there. This idea manifests itself from my interest in the preservation and conversion of existing buildings (also from a sustainability perspective). Cornish engine houses, as a shell to develop a live/work area

Colour - How they can make one feel within a space

Materials – A pallet used as a tool to create a brand image
S.W.O.T analysis

  • Lots of existing engine houses around Cornwall
  • More Sustainable than new build as building is existing
  • Re-asserting Cornish heritage (mining)
  • Making use of existing derelict structures
  • Potentially cheaper than new build structures

  • Small project, might not have enough material for final project
  • Controversial choice of building, may get objections from local people, authority
  • Some buildings are severely dilapidated, will take a lot of restoration
  • Some mines part of World heritage site and areas of outstanding natural beauty

  • Create a brand image, through colour, materials, ethos etc
  • Create new projects in different fields

  • Spending too much time on research to be find it’s a dead end


''FITCH is a different kind of company. It’s about enthusiasm, personality and creating something compelling.''

I was impressed by their website, but from reading through some of the articles it seems to me that they are quite focused on marketing strategies and creating focal points for selling i.e. exhibitions stands retail outlets, which not something that I am overly interested with reference to subject area, although I am interested to learn more about brand image and how this can be developed for my manifesto and final project.

COOL - Rainbow Shipping Container Dorms

Utrecht’s Rainbow Shipping Container Dorms
You've got to have guts to design something like this

Tutorial Notes (Andrew)


  • James Turrell
    • Art Environment, 
    • The impact upon the sky and enclosures
  • Doug Aitken
  • Books
    • Christopher Alexander - A Pattern Language and Elements of Architecture and Meanings
    • Brooker and Stone - Re-Readings
  • Subjects 
    • Colours - Fine Art, Textile Design and Colour Psychology
    • Materials - Move from abstract to hap-tic, engage with physical material, create personal design language that links to manifesto
  • Cornish Engine houses
    • Get drawings/plans/elevations
    • Make 1:50 scale model

COOL - Tape measure floor mat

Tape measure floor mat
Something that's a but quirky and a bit of a novelty, somewhat superficial, but it caught my eye because of its I like the playfulness 

COOL - Old Dairy Barn Converted Into an Eco Home

I'm a big fan of timber and the exposed beam effect, although I think they may have gone a little overboard here.  Awesome concept, not sure about the execution of the furnishings though, seems like they are clinging onto the nostalgic a bit, funny how the finishing touches can really make or break a scheme, but then again, its all a matter of taste.

SUB ZERO - Underground Skyscraper

Underground Skyscraper

Big idea, can they pull it off?  Not sure, maybe sustainable in the long run, but seems like it would take a lot of resources to get there.  Is this the future?

SUB ZERO - Tel Aviv Gallery Renovation

Tel Aviv Gallery Renovation
"Set in a former print factory this intervention within existing industrial building explores the boundaries of use and re-use as a design brief. Originally built as a single story structure in the 40's, the building went through an aggressive intervention 15 years later as a second floor added to it. As a result of the addition the building was completely altered as a new staircase was added, the space was divided by new walls and un-regulated openings were torn in the main façade as ad-hoc solutions to particular lighting and ventilation issues. 
The chosen design tactics is aimed directly to re-emphasize the uniqueness of this over-looked and seemingly 'banal' building, while refusing the romantics of 'renovation' as well as the violence of 'erasure."
Old meets new , great mix of materials. The concept of keep everything (even graffiti) to show the history is awesome, as it not only serves as a functional building, but it tells a story of its past too. Even the old material have been used, but just polished up, look at the shiny concrete floor. This is my bag baby!

SERIOUSLY UN COOL - Bathroom of 'The Trojan House- Melbourne

Trying to be sleek, but is actually just sterile and boring.  Its not inviting me to use the room for what it was meant for, i.e. a bath.  I don't know about you. but when I have a bath, I don't want it to be cold, the blue shiny walls doesn't say 'warmth and relaxation' its telling me have a shower and get out as quickly as possible because the water is going to be freezing!

SERIOUSLY UN COOL - The Blue Building

To me this 'architectural environment seems to play with my moral it right to use precious resources to build something so self-indulgent and costly in order to make a statement (that's what it seems like to me anyway)?


SERIOUSLY UN COOL - Casa Monte na Comporta - Portugal

Yes this house might be luxurious and encompasses fine materials and has a lovely inviting swimming pool, but to me, it looks just like a bunker that you would live in if there was a nuclear holocaust somewhere in the region.  To me, houses are for living in, I don't ever want to feel that I can't a book on a table, or rest my cup of tea on a kitchen counter, then one may as well just expect there to be chocolate on ones pillow.  

Cold, sterile and unwelcoming 

COOL - Alissa pulcrano - Floor finish

Isn't affraid to be simple, stylish, refined, functional (easy to clean, non-slip), cheap, easy to install.

Friday 15 October 2010

Social Issues in Cornwall

Cornish Demographic

''The employment rate in Cornwall has decreased in the year to Sept 2009. It is lower than the SouthWest and the England rate. Figures for the Isles of Scilly are not available.'' 'Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West)

      • Population Age
      ''The mean age in Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly is higher than the SW and England means.'' Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West)
      • Housing

      ''In Cornwall & the IoS almost 5% of homes were recorded as 2nd residences or holiday homes in the Census, the highest % in the region.''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 
      ''Affordability ratios are calculated as house price divided by annual workplace-based earnings.  The 2009 median affordability ratio for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly was 8.3 (SW: 7.2, Eng: 6.3).''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 
      ''In the 4th quarter of 2009, 116 Cornish households were accepted as being homeless and in priority need (0.5 per 1,000 households).''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 
      ''At the end of the quarter, at 336, Cornwall had the highest amount of households in temporary accommodation in all South West unitaries and counties, 50 of these were in bed and breakfast accommodation.''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 

      • Education
      ''Results for 2008/09 show 48.9% of pupils in the Cornwall Local Education Authority (LEA) achieved 5+ GCSEs or equivalent at Grade A*-C incl Eng & Maths by the end of Key Stage 4.  This is lower than averages for both South West (51.8%) and England (49.8%), and is the 3rd lowest pass rate of the region’s LEAs.''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 

        Focus Points

        Social Issues in Cornwall:

        Diller and Scofidio
        Matrix style website, got me rather excited!  But actually when you come to use it, its a bit annoying, I think its trying to be too clever and automatic, if you move your mouse to click on the thing you want, it just sends you off somewhere else.  Goes to show, the pretty, shiny things aren't always the most useful.
        The first project on this website that caught my eye was 'The Blur Building'.  ''The Blur Building was built for the Swiss Expo 2002 on Lake Neuchatel. It is an architecture of atmosphere...A smart weather system reads the shifting climactic conditions of temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and processes the data in a central computer that regulates water pressure.''  

        Please see my 'Seriously Un Cool - Blue Building' page for my thought on this.

        ''Their influence stems as much, if not more, from their contributions to the theory and criticism of architecture as from their built works.''

        As I worked my way through the website the more I realised that they were focusing heavily on promoting buildings that haven't been built and I could help thinking that a lot of them were just concepts for a reason i.e. they wouldn't work in the real world.  For example, re-building the city of  Venice in Las Vegas; a bit tacky if you ask me.  Whenever I flick through an architecture or interior design firms catalogue of work, I am always disappointed to see buildings that are conceptual and haven't been built, as there is usually a reason for this, either that the building didn't win the competition it was going for, or the firm doesn't have enough in its portfolio, so they use the scheme as a filler.

        I also thought that a lot of the work was quite tacky and badly illustrated.  Some of the CGI work looks to me like first year undergrad work.  Not to put down first year work, some of work I have seen is amazing.  The point I am trying to make is that I think that a large scale firm should realise that there is a heavy reliance on good CGIs (many schemes require them for planning), they have to be good, especially if they are used to advertise the business.

        Thursday 14 October 2010


        The best website I have seen so far, and it looks really cool too (you know we talked about this, I like pretty shiney things ok).  Packed with information on design, architecture, interior design, transportation, gadgets and lots lots more.

        Some of the articles that really caught my eye:
        The Power of Color:
        ''Black and white are the safe choices in the design world. The colour of luxury is elegant and subdued. Yet, at the same time, even top-tier designers, artists and luxury brands have always used bright colours as well. It is not about either or. It is not black-and-white or colour.'' 

        ''Throughout history, colour has expressed and represented status, religion, origin, feelings and many other things, and its use has been dependent on resources. To be able to afford clothing or other possessions in certain colours meant you were wealthier than most, as some ingredients to produce specific colours were not available everywhere.''

        I wholeheartedly agree with the concept of the power of colour and the way it can influence our emotions and how we feel.  I also believe that there is some truth in the idea that colour can make us perceive certain physical feelings such as warmth and cold.  

        Another useful website on 'The Power of Colour' and how it can make you feel.

        Designer Kitchen by Graft:
        Another interesting concept, a little bit 'out there', I don't think I could imagine a situation where I or the lay person would ever need one of these kitchen, or want one in there house.  I instincts tell me that Graft the German architects responsible for this design (Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz, Thomas Willemeit and Gregor Hoheisel) were just experimenting with a prototype, to prove that they could realise a design idea, whether it will sell many kitchens is another question.  P.S.  This company has an awesome interactive website, that keeps you on your toes.

        Sleep Box - Mini Hotels:
        Cool concept, its been done before (of course its Japanese) but I like to execution and the fact that is large enough to fit two people, after all, who wants to sit in a solitary capsule with nothing but claustrophobia to keep you company.

        Wednesday 13 October 2010

        Steven Holl

        Steven Holl
        I stumbled across this an thought that his work is a little bit good!  Steven Holl has done so many large scale projects all over the world, I especially like his 'horizontal skyscraper' in Shenzhen, China, its quite simply like nothing I have ever seen before.  Here is someone who isn't afraid to push the envelope and break boundaries.  

        The way he uses light to add different shades to surfaces and his use of really crisp, sharp lines on various geometries  'The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art' Kansas USA, is really inspiring, I think he might just be showing off!

        The use of geometry to illustrate the continuation of the 'internal environment' to the 'external environment' shown here is also really great to see.  I'm not sure what the temprature swing is in Kansus, this detail can be difficult to get right wherever you are.  

        There is nothing subtle about this man's work, its all 'in your face architecture' and as much as I admire his work, The scale of it are a little larger than what I am interested in for the purposes of this MA..... I'm going to try and be a grown up and work towards something a little more refined.  His website is a break from the norm too.  Without getting bogged down in trying to 'look cool' it has a simple but effective interface that makes you want to read every article.


        'Green Design will save the world'
        Really good website, has lots of news articles on the latest cutting edge schemes, from art, transportation to architecture and energy. Some great links and photos too, case study write ups could do with a bit more detail, but a good starting point.

        Moore Manifesto Points....'Creativity'

        ''Creativity doesn’t always strike from out of the blue — it’s often expressed by carefully changing that which already exists'' A Lerman Architects

        After reading an article on the Inhabit website about 'Tel Aviv Gallery Renovation of Old Warehouse', it made me realise that throughout my creative career (this most likely started when I was a wee five year old) I very rarely had any 'eureka' moments....and when I did, it was usually just me getting over excited about an idea that overshadowed any other sensible prospects and consequently when I revealed my revolutionary idea to someone else, the most I got were looks of ''OK, that's nice, but hasn't that already been done?'

        Design Sponge

        Design Sponge is a great website (although it does tend to crash a lot).  Has all sorts from 'mini trends (in interior design) to 'city guides' (although, not sure why?) to podcasts by interior designers.  The people profiles seem to be mainly focused on American interior designers, on residential projects, i.e. their own homes, there are some useful photos, great for material shots.