Tuesday 19 October 2010

Headline issues / Focal Points / Interests

Social problems Cornwall
  • Unemployment
  • Ethnicity
  • Ageing population
  • Education
  • Housing (affordable)
My ideas so far have centred around an initiative to help tackle some of the above problems by providing spaces which enables the growth of businesses and/affordable housing to encourage more people to stay and live in the area, whether originally from Cornwall, or moving here from other parts of the country. The solution to many of these problems go hand in hand, If more work opportunities were available, then more young/skilled people would move to the area, and along with it diversity and age balance.

One of my manifesto points is that creativity doesn’t always come with flash of inspiration, sometimes it's about chaining what's already there. This idea manifests itself from my interest in the preservation and conversion of existing buildings (also from a sustainability perspective). Cornish engine houses, as a shell to develop a live/work area

Colour - How they can make one feel within a space

Materials – A pallet used as a tool to create a brand image
S.W.O.T analysis

  • Lots of existing engine houses around Cornwall
  • More Sustainable than new build as building is existing
  • Re-asserting Cornish heritage (mining)
  • Making use of existing derelict structures
  • Potentially cheaper than new build structures

  • Small project, might not have enough material for final project
  • Controversial choice of building, may get objections from local people, authority
  • Some buildings are severely dilapidated, will take a lot of restoration
  • Some mines part of World heritage site and areas of outstanding natural beauty

  • Create a brand image, through colour, materials, ethos etc
  • Create new projects in different fields

  • Spending too much time on research to be find it’s a dead end

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