Friday 15 October 2010

Social Issues in Cornwall

Cornish Demographic

''The employment rate in Cornwall has decreased in the year to Sept 2009. It is lower than the SouthWest and the England rate. Figures for the Isles of Scilly are not available.'' 'Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West)

      • Population Age
      ''The mean age in Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly is higher than the SW and England means.'' Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West)
      • Housing

      ''In Cornwall & the IoS almost 5% of homes were recorded as 2nd residences or holiday homes in the Census, the highest % in the region.''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 
      ''Affordability ratios are calculated as house price divided by annual workplace-based earnings.  The 2009 median affordability ratio for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly was 8.3 (SW: 7.2, Eng: 6.3).''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 
      ''In the 4th quarter of 2009, 116 Cornish households were accepted as being homeless and in priority need (0.5 per 1,000 households).''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 
      ''At the end of the quarter, at 336, Cornwall had the highest amount of households in temporary accommodation in all South West unitaries and counties, 50 of these were in bed and breakfast accommodation.''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 

      • Education
      ''Results for 2008/09 show 48.9% of pupils in the Cornwall Local Education Authority (LEA) achieved 5+ GCSEs or equivalent at Grade A*-C incl Eng & Maths by the end of Key Stage 4.  This is lower than averages for both South West (51.8%) and England (49.8%), and is the 3rd lowest pass rate of the region’s LEAs.''  Cornwall's Statistical Brief_GOS (Government Office South West 

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