Tuesday 5 October 2010

Introduction to Me

I am currently embarking on a new phase of my educational life; hence the reason for this blog.

Background: I studied my Architectural Technology and Design at the University of West England, of which I graduated in 2007. My professional experience allowed me the opportunity to work for small, medium and large architecture firms and interior design firms, and therefore allowing me to sample a spectrum of professional practice. In the good times (before the start of the recession) things were great, although not for long! Having gone through processes of redundancy and having to work on such uninspiring projects such as supermarkets; it was time for a change!

I decided that the path of an Architectural Technologist wasn't in fact paved with young professional women like myself in mind....ipso facto its a bit of a man's game. I therefore concluded that I should try to broaden my professional/educational horizons for the time being; because one of my philosophies is 'if you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards'.

This is not to say that I see myself leaving the world of architecture and my route to charter-ship as an Architectural Technologist, I am simply putting it on hold for a few years, while I gain experience....architectural or no!

So in fact, my choice to embark on a MA such as Interior and Landscape Design was influenced by the need, or some might say 'urge' to break out of the world of professional, hard business and 'the bottom line' (which is what my job had become) and get back to basics and learn some of the softer design skills, such as 'how a space makes you feel', rather the the usual question of 'will the building stand up', or 'how much will it cost'. This course seems to me to be perfect for encouraging me to discover my own design ethos indulging my 'creative beast', so to speak.

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