Wednesday 27 October 2010

Colour Psychology

Black - Authority, power, stability, strength, intelligence, sombre associated with evil, grieving, evokes strong emotions, black clothes make people appear thinner

White - Purity, cleanliness, creativity, the safety of bright light, absence of color, or neutrality, compression of all the colors in the color spectrum.

Gray - Practical, timeless, middle-of-the-road, solid, rock solid feeling, old age, death, taxes, depression, lost sense of direction.

Red - Attention (where the eye looks first), energy, movement, excitement, noticeable, symbol of life.

Pink - Calming, calms aggression, romance, love, and gentle feelings, to be in the pink is to be soothed.

Blue - Much of the world is blue (skies, seas), calming, restful, steadfastness, dependability, wisdom, loyalty.

Green - Growth, nature, money, calming, conservative, masculine, envy, good luck, generosity, fertility, peace, harmony, comfortable nurturing, support and well paced energy.

Yellow - Cheerful, sun, laughter, happiness and good times, optimism, intense, flames, creativity, overpowering, cowardice.

Orange - Flamboyant, fun times, happiness, energetic, warmth, ambition, new dawn.

Purple - Royalty, wealth, prosperity, rich sophistication, problem solving, artificial, mystery, wisdom, and respect

Brown - This color is most associated with reliability, stability, and friendship, mourning.

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